Manifesto for a Regenerative Bioregion, Waterford

Rethinking our Relationship With Food, Ireland

Manifesto for a Regenerative Bioregion, Waterford


  • Project date: Summer 2022
  • Project location: Waterford, Ireland
  • Project partners: GIY (Ireland), Dr Sarah Prosser


The Bioregional Weaving Labs Collective is an ambitious project of the Ashoka foundation that aims to reweave connections between peoples, communities, cultures and the natural world. Waterford, Ireland, is one of the bioregions that is spearheading this exciting initiative.

Wind&Bones were invited to co-lead a workshop with Waterford’s own “weaver”, Dr. Sarah Prosser. We worked with local farmers, community members and consumers to write a manifesto for rethinking the centrality of food in our lives.

Project Outcomes

We’re delighted that the manifesto has now been made into a short film posted on YouTube, and beautifully voiced by farmer and community-member Ray McGrath. You can watch the video here!

Food is not a luxury. Food is a basic social need to which everyone has a right. It is a right not only to enjoy food but to be able to create it. Food is a way of building ideas connections and communities. Through food we become aware of ourselves and each other. Food is a common good. It is grounded in our common need and our common vulnerability. Food is revolutionary. How we grow food how we consume it how we think about it can lead to radical change. Food is not only about the present: rethinking our relationship with food is a call for a different future, a better one.